Just a Little More Spirit

On behalf of White Winter Winery, and all craft distillers, we need your support to reduce the excise tax on small distillers. This legislation was introduced but not adopted last year. The language is being reintroduced by Senator Wyden and Senator Blunt as an amendment to The Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2016 (SB. 2658).

Craft Distillers across Wisconsin and the nation, urge you to contact your state Senators and ask them to support the Wyden – Blunt amendment to The Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2016 (SB. 2658).  The compromise includes language that would substantially reduce the excessive and burdensome excise taxes paid by small distillers from $13.50 to $2.70 for the first 100,000 proof gallons, and bring us to tax parity with small wine and beer producers. By reducing this burden, it will allow small craft distillers to put more money back into their businesses to expand and hire additional workers.

As you can probably tell, a bunch of that text up top was adapted from a form letter. I know, I know, why not write it in my own style? Mostly because I, nor any of my colleagues, have the time to track all this stuff and write original text for EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE. OF. INFO. THAT.COMES. AROUND.  Some days its a challenge just to get to the restroom between tasks (Thank the Goddess when I do though, its one place the phone won’t reach). So bear with us as we pass along info, sometimes not our own. The gist is we pay A LOT in taxes and could use your input to help make it a little more reasonable for the little guy trying to eek out a living in this highly taxed and regulated industry.

Here is a link to find your Senator…you do know who they are, right?       http://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/

Thanks for your help!
